I.T. for Education

Projector and Laptop for the Shree Kalika Primary School in Solagar

Project : Education Material and I.T. for Education

In April 2019 we went to the village of Solagar in Okhaldunga district. Here we donated school material to the small local school. Especially the I.T. material containing one laptop and one projector where received with great pleasure by the school teachers.

The new school complex on the land that was given by one of the community members.

Handing over the projector and laptop to the head of the school.

After handing over, with all the children and Samjhana

With all the children and now including Pim.

School posters, pencils and balls for the primary school in the little village of Thulodunga. From this time we decided to support the school as the old principal of the school in Solagar, that we respected very much for his efforts, got transferred to the school in Thulodunga.

The school complex of the village Solagar in Okhaldunga district.

2 Laptops for Laprak Boarding School


Project : I.T. voor Educatie

At the end of 2018 we handed over two laptops to Aita Gurung, one of the teacher of the Laprak Boarding School, and also since the start of Micro-Care Nepal one of the main Nepalese contact in Gorkha district.
During the last week he helped us again during our trip from Arugat to Wuyia with organising and carrying 5 whiteboards to the village schools. During this time he could give me the photos he and the head of the school took after receiving the laptops at their school.

We where pleased to see they started using the two devices and giving the opportunity to introduce the world of I.T. to the children of the school. The students are feeling amazed to finaly see and be able to use computer for the first time in their lives.

Before they where only able to read and study about it and practice some typing on a white piece of paper where they would draw the typing bord on.


I.T. PROJECT - in Solu district, East Nepal

Door vrijwilligers en donateurs: Petra en Gert Groenewoud


Na in 2016 met Micro-Care Nepal op reis te zijn geweest besloten Petra en ik om dit jaar samen te gaan. 22 jaar na onze huwelijksreis weer samen naar Nepal!

Met de ervaring uit 2016 in geheugen besloten we in overleg met Pim en Samjhana van Micro-Care Nepal om dit jaar te gaan voor een grotere uitdaging. Namelijk de scholen voorzien van een IT lesomgeving en dat zelfs zonder de beschikbaarheid van electriciteit en internet. Er kan slechts via een klein zonnepaneeltje een powerbank opgeladen worden.

Gert again amazed by the destructions that the 2015 earthquakes created and the fact that many of the destructed buildings still couldn't be repaired or rebuild.

Gert again amazed by the destructions that the 2015 earthquakes created and the fact that many of the destructed buildings still couldn't be repaired or rebuild.

Er is in de Nepalse buitengebieden dus weinig bekend over IT en zijn de ontwikkelingen hierin achtergebleven. Wellicht om deze reden dat de interesse en nieuwsgierigheid er zeer zeker wel is.

Ons doel was een IT lespakket te samenstellen waarmee nieuw lesmateriaal voor verschillende vakken gepresenteerd kan worden. Gezien het gebrek aan volstroom hebben we na onderzoek besloten dat alle materialen met USB opgeladen dienen te worden. Het pakket bestaat uit: een tablet, een mini beamer, een powerbank, een speaker en natuurlijk de benodigde kabels. Het project moet een duurzaam karakter hebben en zo het onderwijs op de lange termijn blijven voeden. 

Morning assembly atone of our supported schools in the Solu district in East Nepal.

Morning assembly atone of our supported schools in the Solu district in East Nepal.

Met hulp van vele donateurs hebben we veel geld ingezameld om deze pakketten aan te schaffen. We willen daarom in het het bijzonder onze dank uitbrengen aan: DPA, Sigmax en Talentor, welke onze hoofdsponsoren waren. De kleinere sponsoren en donateurs zijn wij natuurlijk net zo dankbaar!

The teacher training given by Petra Groenewoud supported by the translations of Samjhana Bishankhe.

The teacher training given by Petra Groenewoud supported by the translations of Samjhana Bishankhe.

Petra heeft zich vervolgens vol gestort op het samenstellen van een lesprogramma voor de "IT teachers", zij moeten het gaan leren en zij moeten gaan lesgeven. Daarnaast de tablets voorzien van veel content, zoals veel educatieve filmpjes, offline educatieve games, een offline Wikipedia en offline kaarten.

The IT poster of this project explains all about IT and what we can achieve with it.

The IT poster of this project explains all about IT and what we can achieve with it.

Non IT teachers listening and looking carefully to the story about the great amount of possibilities that the projector can bring for teachers and students.

Non IT teachers listening and looking carefully to the story about the great amount of possibilities that the projector can bring for teachers and students.

Na de voorbereidingen was het eindelijk zo ver en gingen we op reis naar het prachtige heuvellandschap van het SoluKhumbu district. Het is een onvergetelijke reis en ervaring geworden. We hebben 5 schooltjes variërend van 150 - 750 leerlingen voorzien van het IT materiaal. We hebben dagenlang lesgegeven en de leraren zelf laten oefenen en onze eerste conclusie is dat het enorm is aangeslagen. Het enthousiasme is groot, de teachers zijn zeer geïnteresseerd en de leerlingen..... Ja, daar wordt je stil en ook emotioneel van. Open monden en ogen die er bijna uitvielen. Voor velen een eerste ervaring met een computer of zelfs een bewegend beeld. Fantastisch om dit te mogen doen, dit resultaat weegt absoluut op tegen de vele uren voorbereiding.

Voor deze scholen is het zeer innovatief en ze beseffen dat ze nu echt voorlopen en verder kunnen met deze aanvullende manier van lesgeven.

Happy faces from the IT teachers as they have passed the user test after Petra gave the teacher training. On the teachers our main sponsor, the company " Talentor ".

Happy faces from the IT teachers as they have passed the user test after Petra gave the teacher training. On the teachers our main sponsor, the company " Talentor ".

IT teacher taking his practical 'exam' before we handover our IT material officially to the school.

IT teacher taking his practical 'exam' before we handover our IT material officially to the school.

Surprised and curious to see the projectors presentations on the wall.

Surprised and curious to see the projectors presentations on the wall.

We zijn ontzettend blij en trots dat we dit samen met Micro-Care Nepal hebben kunnen bereiken. Wij willen Pim en Samjhana bedanken voor de kans om dit te mogen doen en we ons gezamenlijk inzetten om dit project ook in de toekomst voort te kunnen  blijven zetten. Maar hier hebben natuurlijk ook van jou hulp bij nodig. Doneer nu op dit IT project en zorg dat we op nog meer scholen het onderwijs kunnen verbeteren. 

The Micro-Care Nepal user agreement and contract signed by the headmaster and IT teacher of each school.

The Micro-Care Nepal user agreement and contract signed by the headmaster and IT teacher of each school.

Handover of the IT material including a tablet, speaker and projector.

Handover of the IT material including a tablet, speaker and projector.

Petra enjoying the sight of the curious and smiling faces of the children.

Petra enjoying the sight of the curious and smiling faces of the children.

Surprised and curious to see the projectors presentations on the wall.

Surprised and curious to see the projectors presentations on the wall.

We willen onze donateurs en sponsoren, zakelijk en privé, bedanken want zonder de financiële middelen was het niet mogelijk geweest. Heel veel dank.

Wij raden iedereen aan die al lang twijfelt om iets bijzonders te doen, ga mee met Micro-Care Nepal en je zult deze ervaring nooit vergeten🙏🍀




After breakfast we left Rohit’s wife’s family house. At 7 we were expected to meet at a nearby school which has pupils from the poorest families in Necha. I made a donation to this school when I visited in 2014 and now I was returning to handover a 17 inch laptop that was donated by the family of a good friend in the Netherlands. We downloaded educational videos about nutrition, first aid, hygiene and natural history and the environment on the laptop. We also added an English to Nepali and Nepali to English dictionary. 

The school committee and staff organised a ceremony to explain the laptop and demonstrate its use to the community. Rohit and I were given many red tika (red paint marks) on our foreheads and faces and white and yellow scarves, the traditional Nepali way to say thank you. Rohit’s help has been invaluable and without his imagination, enthusiasm and hard work Micro-Care Nepal Foundation would not have been able to achieve all it has.

We got a official letter to say thanks for our support.

We got a official letter to say thanks for our support.

After the ceremony our faces were completely covered with red powder; a symbol of gratitude in Nepali culture.

After the ceremony our faces were completely covered with red powder; a symbol of gratitude in Nepali culture.

After the ceremony we gave out clothing to those who needed it and took photos of them and group photos with all teachers. We then looked at the old school building which was completely destroyed by the earthquake. It was a sad thing to see but luckily the Himalayan Foundation of Sir Edmund Hillary (who with Tensing Norgay first climbed Mount Everest) had provided two new temporary wooden buildings. 

For almost all we had some clothing.

For almost all we had some clothing.

And they all liked it.

And they all liked it.

What will the future hold for these poor boys? I was glad to help but more needs to be done for them.

What will the future hold for these poor boys? I was glad to help but more needs to be done for them.

Finally we discussed supporting the school by donating rubbish bins and teaching the children not to litter their environment. We made an agreement that the school would buy wooden rubbish containers and that Micro-Care Nepal Foundation would refund the costs after the next field trip, when there is evidence that they are being used.

You can from their expressions how surprised they are.

You can from their expressions how surprised they are.

Rohit after the school ceremony with a child to whom we gave a nice jacket.

Rohit after the school ceremony with a child to whom we gave a nice jacket.

Delighted with his new red t-shirt.

Delighted with his new red t-shirt.

Recipients of new clothing. Sadly we didn’t have any clothes to fit the poor boy standing in the middle but we were pleased about the helping the rest of them. More can be done later.

Recipients of new clothing. Sadly we didn’t have any clothes to fit the poor boy standing in the middle but we were pleased about the helping the rest of them. More can be done later.

Posing together in front of the old school building. Only the facade is still standing. The next picture shows the view from the other side. Rohit and I are standing in the middle of the back row.

Posing together in front of the old school building. Only the facade is still standing. The next picture shows the view from the other side. Rohit and I are standing in the middle of the back row.

Seeing the collapsed school made me sad. Later the Government of Nepal will provide funding to rebuild this school…At least that's what the community has applied and is hoping for. In the meantime the "Helping Hand Foundation" has built 2 temporary cottages for teaching and one solid building for the school so for the time being the children can continue to receive an education. Micro-Care Nepal Foundation will support the 16 schools in Necha with educational materials and assistance to expand the curriculum to include programmes covering nutrition, hygiene and first-aid. 

This is what their school looks like from above after the earthquakes...

This is what their school looks like from above after the earthquakes...

Same lady and towel as in the previous photo but both a year older.

Same lady and towel as in the previous photo but both a year older.

Before she posed with her sister.

Before she posed with her sister.

Rohit handing over a telephone to local man who couldn't afford to buy one. Now he can keep contact with his family and friends in the city or in other remote parts of Nepal.

Rohit handing over a telephone to local man who couldn't afford to buy one. Now he can keep contact with his family and friends in the city or in other remote parts of Nepal.

We gave another phone to an old lady in the same area of Necha.

We gave another phone to an old lady in the same area of Necha.

In the evening we gathered with a few teachers and locals and talked about education and the challenges schools are facing.

In these photos you can see....

In these photos you can see....

How proud people are to pose with their animals.

How proud people are to pose with their animals.