Greenhouse Review in Goiry, Okhaldunga - March 2019

While returning back to Okhaldunga and Solu district we had the opportunity to to the 3de year review of some of the greenhouses we initiated.

Below the greenhouse that had many metamorfoses and had to be rebuild many time because of storm winds. The great thing about the family managing the greenhouse is that every time they restore it very nicely and keep making the best use of the greenhouse plastics and seeds provided.


Medical Case - Sanjiv Niraula (12) Sunlan Solu

Sanjiv is 12 years old and lives in the village Sunlan in Solu district. He had eye pain and irritation for 2 years and his eyesight was decreasing. After consulting with the eye doctors of the specialized Tilganga eye hospital the conclusion was the problems where caused by a allergy and had to be treated with antibiotics as it had infected the eyes as well. After the infection was over he had to wear a glass with a specific non power glass to protect his eyes more. Also he got drops to keep the flier level of his eyes up to level and avoid the irritations to start. We gave him this last mentioned medicine for a whole year and gave all instructions together with the pharmacist.


Medical Case: Juna Khadka (43) Sindupalchok

Juna Khadka is 43 years old and comes from Sindhupalchok district. A lady who is having a small tea shop next to the hospital informed us about her case. She let us know Juna Gad no husband or other relatives left in her family beside her little boy. She had cancer 9 years ago and undertook surgery for it. The surgeon took out a part of her womb. Now she’s had pain in her belly for a few weeks and the last days it had been drastically incredible as her worries did. We decided to call her to come to Kathmandu and did her checkup. After a blood test, chest x-ray, urinr test, two times ultrasound and video x-ray. The conclusion was no servere problem. At first there was a thought of a infected appendix but after further practical tests this was also excluded. Eventually they found on the x-rays thT her liver was expanded and irritated. They gave antibiotics threw a drip and a emulsion to give her a bit more strength. After the second day in the hospital she was could stay with her relative from the small tea shop and got a final checkup after 3 days. 


2 Laptops for Laprak Boarding School


Project : I.T. voor Educatie

At the end of 2018 we handed over two laptops to Aita Gurung, one of the teacher of the Laprak Boarding School, and also since the start of Micro-Care Nepal one of the main Nepalese contact in Gorkha district.
During the last week he helped us again during our trip from Arugat to Wuyia with organising and carrying 5 whiteboards to the village schools. During this time he could give me the photos he and the head of the school took after receiving the laptops at their school.

We where pleased to see they started using the two devices and giving the opportunity to introduce the world of I.T. to the children of the school. The students are feeling amazed to finaly see and be able to use computer for the first time in their lives.

Before they where only able to read and study about it and practice some typing on a white piece of paper where they would draw the typing bord on.


Goals for the Gorkha Aid Journey - April 2019

Whyia goals

  • Handover 5 new whiteboards to the school

  • Review the use of the donated laptop and projector

  • Visit the families of Rabina and Ganga and discuss the option of jumping class for both of the girls as proposed by the teacher team

  • Teach first-aid - Was to sick to teach

Dungla goals

  • Handover 5 new whiteboards to the school

  • Handover other school materials to one of the school teachers.

Macha Khola goals

  • Handover school materials to one of the school teachers.

Kerauja Besi goals

  • Review the greenhouse of Thuli Gurung

  • Handover new seeds

  • See the living conditions of the family and housing

5 New Health Cases from Sunlan, Solu


On our way back from Solu district we could take 5 persons with health issues. They all neded checkup in Kathmandu hospital. One childs father had to join to take care of his little son. We could arrange a jeep to go all together to kathmandu where they stayed in a simple Nepalese hotel. The group consisted of: Naura


Yauna Niraula - 10 years

7 years of eye problems and did 2 years ago checkup but without improvement. She had a burning pain in her eyes mostly left and also her sight on the left eye was affected. 

Sanjiv Niraula - 12 years

2 years of eye problems. He had also a burning pain in his eyes that where most of the time red and his sights wasn’t good. 

 Indra Prasad Niraula - 47 years

Father of Yauna Niraula and had a eye sight problems and because of this had frequently head pain. He had checkup on his sight and needed a glass. 


Rom Kumari Basnet (45)

Rom Kumari has a swelling on the back of her shoulder, feels weak and sometimes sick. She is very worried as most of the villagers tell her this must be cancer.

Sugam Niraula (5) 

The little boy Sugan his two fingers are attached since birth. “He likes to have a hand like other children” as he describes in his own words to us. We consulted with the hospital and we where informed this was only possible in Kathmandu.



Cultural Excursion for Rabina and Ganga


Cultural excursion for our students Rabina and Ganga

We picked up Rabina and Ganga at their Boarding sSchool in Arugat and went to Gorkha to see the Royal Palace, Kalika Temple and the Gorkha Museum. Our goal was to make them interested about culture, to get more familiar with the two and make them more comfortable with us as well. We had a great time and a itdiscussed their options on skipping the 5th grade and as the head of the school suggested continue directly to grade 6. We coached them on perseverance, failure and expectations and let them know if they would have difficulties and worked hard we would always support them. They finaly diced to go for it and later it would turn out this was a good decision.

A memorable time with our two brave students Rabina and Ganga, now studying in Arughat, Dhading. On their free day the four of us went on a cultural student trip to go back in time, to the time of the Gorkha Kingdoms.


See our video of the excustion

Photos from the excursion:


#ngo #stichting #volunteer #nepal #education #students #studenttrip #excursion #gorkha #durbar #microcarenepal

Health Support to Raute Nomadic Tribe

Health Support to Raute Nomadic Tribe

The riverbeds close to the Raute camp

The riverbeds close to the Raute camp

The view from the local house where we stayed.

* Aangezien de mogelijkheid bestaat dat dit artikel gelezen zal worden door of andertaligen is dit artikel in het Engels geschreven.

We brought another visit to the Nomadic Raute Tribe, unfortunately the last nomadic tribe from living in Nepal. The tribe is struggling with their existence as Governments try to make them give up their nomadic way of life. Beside this the environment of the tribe changes drastically over the last few years and their jungle is disappearing more and more.

Our last visit to the tribe was 4 months ago. They shifted further south in to the district of Sukhet and are on their way to Dang district. We got a call from one of the leader after arriving in Nepal. A police officers talked with Samjhana telling a Raute leader asked him to call us on our number. Dhan Bahadur, one of the two Thalu leaders has been our closes contact from the beginning and he asked us when we would come to visit him again. He told us he got sick recently and got scared not been able to see us again. A week later we followed his instructions and traveled to the small village of Chiple in Sukhet district. Here we met them again in a changing state.

Fractured ankle but she didn’t want to get an x-ray made as she and other never heard about it and where afraid.

All came to see our treatments what made it easier to trace other Rautes with wounds or infections.

While meeting the Raute again after 4 months we directly noticed that there where several Rautes with ear and eye infections. As always there where people with cut and burn wounds but mostly they would heal overtime. We knew the Nepalese government together with a collaboration of a few NGO’s with one of them Safe the Children, was assigned to take care oft he health of the Rautes. Durning our earlier visits we could only meet him ones and most of the time he wasn’t present. When we asked about him to his two colleagues, also assigned by the same project and budget, they told us he was working somewhere and would come. But we almost never seen him.

The local doctor at work.

After 22 treatments in one and a half hour we felt at least we could do something for the tribe.

During our stay again we met the little boy who wanted to learn and become a tractor driver. This time we decided to try and do something with him. We asked the son of the family where we where having lunch and dinner and who was a drive of small moped or auto if he could teach some driving to the boy. He responded enthusiastically and the next day they started their drivers lesions. We would pay for the fuel and the driver would find the time for it. After his first lesson both where still very enthusiastic and we got told that he did very well in his first lesson and soon could drive himself. As the boy was still very little he needed a hand with the heavy steering. We wanted to let them have an idea that they could do and learn many things and beside their traditional way of living that could have future alternatives as long as they would be eager to learn them and work on their skills.

Also we could take of two Raute friends to visit one of the biggest Hydropower projects in Nepal. They tried to get excess and a tour as they where very interested to see the project but the Chinese project leaders and their Nepalese staf didn’t allow them inside. We tried and with some persistence and telling we would guide over them and they wouldn’t cause any trouble we where taken on a tour inside.

During the visit at the hydropower construction place.

Rautes on the left and right looking with interest and asking clever questions about the possible damage to the fish in ‘their’ river.

Plannen voor 2019

Zoals je in onze eerdere posts op de nieuwspagina al hebt kunnen lezen;
Wij zijn weer in Nepal!

Dit zijn onze plannen voor de aankomende maanden:

  • We gaan opnieuw naar Gorkha district om verdere hulp te bieden aan de familie van Thuli Gurung die begin dit jaar hun man en vader verloren en waar we eerder een kas voor bouwden.

  • In Gorkha gaan we de kinderen Rabina en Ganga ophalen voor hun schoolvakantie en mee naar hun dorp om hun verhaal voor de sponsoren verder in beeld te brengen.

  • We breiden ons IT project in SoluKhumbu uit van 5 naar 7 scholen.

  • In verschillende gebieden reiken we weer kleding en schoolmaterialen uit zo ook aan de kinderen die bij de in de Kathmandu vallei gelegen baksteen fabrieken werken en met hun ouders in grote armoede leven.

  • Aangezien het budget om talentvolle kansarme kinderen in goed onderwijs te ondersteunen gestaag toeneemt gaan we de aankomende maanden op zoek naar enkele kinderen die aan ons profiel voldoen. Er zijn al een 4 tal jonge kinderen in voorselectie en monitoren we samen met de verschillende scholen hun schoolresultaten en sociale ontwikkelingen. Op dit moment bieden we al ondersteuning voor de benodigde schoolmaterialen en kleding.

  • We ondersteunen opnieuw de nomaden stam genaamd Raute met basis levensbehoeften zoals EHBO en voeding o.a. door middels van het motiveren van hun ruilhandel tradities.

  • Ook werken we achter de schermen aan de website, en een lange termijn planning.

Groeten vanuit Nepal,  
Pim en Samjhana

Another parcel with clothing, shoes, blankets and cuddles arrives in Kathmandu

This week a new parcel with two big packages arrived in Kathmandu, containing:
- clothing for babies, children and adults
- children shoes
- blankets
- cuddles

The weight was 140 kg and costs where 780,- Euro. for both packages. We packed them in my (Pim) apartment in the Netherlands and they where collected there by Fed-Ex for transportation. Samjhana went to the Customs Office at the airport of Kathmandu and after paying 47.000 rupees, about 365,- Euro she could take a transportation van (taxi) for 1.500 rupees, about 10 euro to the house of the familie, where we live and store all the goods.

In the next weeks we will be distributing these materials again in the remote areas. For the next months is planned to visit Gorkha district, Okhaldhunga district, SoluKhumbu district and the Lower Dolpa district.


Giving clothing to street children in the center of Delhi

While planning our flights from and to Kathmandu we found a very cheap flight. Unfortunately it wasn’t a direct flight to Kathmandu but the flight went to Delhi. So we decided to have a stopover in Delhi before going home to Kathmandu and take as much of clothing beside our other personal luggage as we could to give to street children that we would meet living on the street in Delhi. We prepared a package of clothing and cuddles and left for Delhi. See the video below.

The Dutch NGO Micro-Care Nepal giving clothing to street children in Delhi, India. - February 2019

In a small alleyway we found a mother sitting on the street with her two little children. A small metal pot in front of them collect the coins she could get from people passing by. Holding out her hand when people with a piercing sad look on her face was a daily job for her to survive. From where she and her children came and what made them sitting in the streets like this? Some questions couldn’t be answered but sure it was that their life was hard and we where satisfied to give her children a few pair of new clothing for the next months coming.

In the small Kacha Bagh park close to the Chadni Chowk Yellow Line Metro station. We spotted a few mothers with small and bigger children and started asking where they lived. They told us during the day they where mostly in the parks but during they nights they slept on the streets as staying at night in the parks was prohibited.

Roeien voor Nepal

De Ringvaart Roeimarathon voor het goede doel in Nepal

In juli 2018 besloten Maarten en Hidde mee te doen aan een helse roeimarathon van wel 100 kilometer. Bij deze sportieve uitdaging vergaten zij het kiezen van een goed doel niet. We waren blij te horen dat zij graag onze projecten in Nepal wilde ondersteunen met uiteindelijk een geweldig bedrag van € 727,07.

We willen Hidde en Maarten via deze weg nogmaals ontzettend bedanken en hopen dat dit initiatief anderen ook weer motiveert om een sportief evenement op te dragen aan een goed doel.

Lees onderstaand Maarten en Hidde hun verslag:

Ietwat halsoverkop besloten Hidde en ik ons in december 2017 in te schrijven voor de ringvaart. Een roeimarathon van 100km vanaf Leiderdorp, om Schiphol heen, terug naar Delft. Wij hadden het jaar ervoor al met elkaar geroeid dus wij wilden graag een nummer met wat extra uitdaging, de twee-zonder staat dan al gauw bovenaan het lijstje. Wij wilden echter naast onszelf ook iets voor een bewijzen, dus begon de zoektocht naar een goed doel. Het liefst wilden wij ons inzetten voor een kleine organisatie en toen ik hier met mijn oom Gert over sprak stelde hij voor dat we contact op zouden nemen met Micro-Care Nepal.

Na Pim in te lichten over onze campagne zijn wij begonnen met geld inzamelen. Bijna al onze studentenvrienden, die toch wat krap bij kas zitten, hebben we zover gekregen om een bijdrage te leveren. Uiteindelijk bedraagt de eindstand €727,07! Dit hadden we zelf nooit voor mogelijk gehouden, maar onwijs gaaf dat we op deze manier ons steentje kunnen bijdragen aan de projecten in Nepal.

Wij hopen dat we met onze actie andere studenten kunnen inspireren om ook in actie te komen voor goede doelen! Het is allereerst een enorme overwinning voor jezelf, maar door het steunen van een goed doel trap je toch even net dat ene beetje harder.



De ringvaart, wat een tocht!

Opgewekt stonden we 6 juni 2018 in alle vroegte op, de laatste bak koffie werd onderweg naar Leiderdorp opgedronken en keurig op tijd stonden we aan de start. Vol goed vertrouwen begonnen we aan de duizelingwekkende route.

Om iets over zeven roeien we onder de eerste brug door en daar begon de warming-up. Althans dat zeiden we tegen elkaar: de eerste 50 kilometers zijn gratis en moeten zonder problemen verlopen, daarna begint het pas. Ondanks een nat pak door een inschattingsfout bij een iets te smal brug gat op 40 kilometer, bleek die tactiek te werken. We haalden zonder veel moeite de 50 kilometer, helaas bleken de volgende 50 echt tegen te vallen. Rond het 60 kilometer punt vond ik het zelf mentaal het zwaarste, vermoeidheid begon een grote rol te spelen en metaal was het lastig door de zware 40 kilometer die nog zouden moeten volgen.

De boot waarin wij roeide, 2 persoons met ieder 1 riem(zogenaamd 2 zonder), begon zich te bewijzen als het zwaarste nummer, iedereen haalde ons in en er verstreken jaren aan tijd zo leek het. Om voor 12 uur s avonds in Delft aan te komen worden allen boten die na half 7 nog niet het 73 kilometer punt gepasseerd zijn gediskwalificeerd. Door ons matige tempo betekende dit dat we ontzettend moesten haasten voor dit checkpoint, gelukkig met succes. Deze krachtsinspanning had echter het beste van ons beide geëist en zorgde ervoor dat het stuk erna tussen 73 en 88 kilometer ons absolute dieptepunt werd. Met moeizame halen en aan het einde van ons latijn kwamen we aan in Leidschendam, na de massage tafels en rustpauze vertrokken we als allerlaatste deelnemer richting Delft. Eenmaal op het water konden we de finish ruiken en met een Red Bull op en een Snicker in de zak knalde we de laatste 12 kilometer er in hoog tempo uit. De kilometers in het stikdonker door Delft vlak voor de finish ga ik nooit meer vergeten, het bewijst dat je altijd meer kunt doen dan je zelf voor mogelijk houdt!

Ik kan het iedereen aanraden om een uitdaging als de onze aan te gaan. Om jezelf te leren kennen en zeker ook om een goed doel als Micro-Care Nepal mee te ondersteunen. We hebben een ongelofelijk avontuur beleefd en ik ben erg trots op Maarten dat we samen deze prestatie hebben neergezet.


2019 Kalenders

nu online te bestellen!



Goed om te weten is dat je door het kopen van deze kalender de projecten van Micro-Care Nepal ook ondersteund. Zowel financieel als door het onder de aandacht brengen van de hulp die nodig is in Nepal.

  • De kalender is ook dit jaar weer in A4 formaat

  • De kosten zijn ook nu weer 15,- per kalender

Koop bewust. De opbrengst van de verkoop van onze kalender gaat naar onze projecten in Nepal!
— Danja Raven, Donateur Micro-Care Nepal

Bestel nu en ontvang een extra setje van
5 Ansichtkaarten Gratis.

Bestel meerdere exemplaren voor
een gereduceerde prijs

Je kunt de kalenders in de volgende aantallen bestellen:

1 kalender  15,- euro 
incl. 2- verzendkosten

5 kalenders  66,50 euro
incl. 4,- verzendkosten

10 kalenders  107,- euro 
incl. 7,- verzendkosten

€  15,00 per kalender

€  12,50 per kalender

€  10,00 per kalender

Al kerstkaarten?  Steun Nepal ook met ansichtkaarten

10 ansichtkaarten voor 10,- Euro 
Nu in combinatie met kalender incl.  1,50 verzendkosten

25 ansichtkaarten voor 20,- Euro 
Nu in combinatie met kalender incl. 4,00 verzendkosten


Arrival of our Parcel in Nepal with: clothing, shoes, schoolbags and First-Aid Materials


We are happy to report that after 3 months in the Netherlands we are back at work in Nepal. Before flying to Nepal we prepared 3 packages with a total weight of 192 kg.

150 kg of clothing containing more then 750 piece of clothing for babies, children and some for adults. 25 kg with more then 50 pairs of children shoes. 15 kg of bandages for first-aid training purposes. 

We want to thank all our individual sponsors for clothing and especially the financial donations to make this possible!

We are looking forward to distribute this clothing to hundreds of children and their elders in the next months. We will keep you updates with photos of their smiles at the time they receive a piece of clothing or shoes.

The costs for transportation are € 960, and € 350, for import tax at the customs office in Nepal. This means an average of € 1, per clothing piece. Still it's impossible to buy good quality clothing for this amount in Nepal. Because of these costs we share clothing sponsors to donate € 5, per kg of donated clothing.
